In order to fulfill the means of living for the community, we also contribute in helping the development of village infrastructure around the operational area. It is intended that people in the Obi Island area can also have adequate building facilities, road access, electricity and water to support economic activities towards community independence.
Provision of Electricity Access
For the sake of realizing energy that is equitable, we also provide access to electricity for residents around the operational area. The availability of electricity makes it easier for people to carry out various activities. We also help maintain the steady flow of electricity, such as through repairing damaged cables and preventing illegal use.
Provision of Clean Water Access
We are aware that water plays a vital role in life as an urgent basic need. The quality of life of the community is also influenced by the sanitation conditions in the vicinity. We have repaired many of the water pipes used by residents and carried out regular maintenance. In addition, the availability of clean water is also our priority so that residents are protected from various kinds of skin diseases and dangerous digestive disorders.
Drainage Making
The creation of good sanitation conditions must also be supported by adequate water channels. We have built drainage in the Kawasi Village area with a length of 600 meters so as not to disturb or pollute the activities of local residents in the short and long term.
River Normalization
River normalization is an activity that focuses on restoring river functions to their original state. The South Halmahera area is known to have a fairly high level of rainfall and is prone to flooding. In Soligi Village, we have normalized the river along 1 kilometer to anticipate the occurrence of floods that could inundate residential areas at any time.
Construction of Public Service Center
Optimal public services are supported by the existence of proper buildings and facilities. We support the construction of various public service centers such as the sub-district office, the Military District Command prayer room, fencing the Military District Command office, construction and fencing of schools as well as support for other public service infrastructure. Our presence through multi-stakeholder collaboration supports the running of maximum government and public services in the operational area.
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