Trimegah Bangun Persada

Environmental Conservation Program

As an industry engaged in the natural resources sector, we pay extra attention to environmental sustainability. We adhere to every regulation that has been determined by the government. Our commitment is to create a sustainable industry, without compromising nature and the communities around our operational areas.

Kawasi Berseri

The awareness of the surrounding community on clean and healthy living behavior still needs to be improved. Therefore, we are promoting the Kawasi Berseri program which supports the existence of a clean and waste-free environment. This is implemented through the provision of trash bins at strategic points, cleaning the beach area of garbage dumped by residents, to providing garbage trucks that will transport the remnants of local residents' disposal to the final disposal site.

Integrated Waste Management

Good and correct waste management can produce benefits. We invite the Kawasi Village farmer group to reprocess the waste if it can still be recycled. Organic waste, for example, is converted into compost which has a use value. Likewise with used oil that can be reprocessed as biodiesel fuel.

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