Trimegah Bangun Persada

TBP and the Community


Our active involvement in the community is an effort to ensure the operations can be optimally beneficial. In practice, we realize it through several Community Development and Empowerment (CDE) programs.

TBP and all companies operating in the Obi Industrial Estate play an active role in various community activities to contribute to the creation of community welfare. We carry out these efforts in collaboration with the local government.

Our CDE program is designed by involving the active participation of community representatives so the results are right on target, which includes the fields of education, health, economic development, socio-culture, and infrastructure.

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In terms of economic empowerment, for example, we invite the community's active role as local entrepreneurs to supply hundreds of types of employees needs with an average turnover of IDR 7 billion per month. 

We also formed several economic business groups whose members are women from local villages. This business group is engaged in hydroponic agriculture with an average turnover of IDR 15 million per month and the manufacture of snacks with an average turnover of IDR 12 million per month. In addition to training, we also help with product marketing and distribution permits. 

Another economic business group whose members are also women is the management of a supermarket in the operational area with an average monthly turnover of IDR 300 million. We assist these various business groups to create an independent community.

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