Trimegah Bangun Persada

Nickel Resources for Economic and Social Life


PTTBP recognizes the importance of protecting the natural environment and the importance of promoting local communities in order to build a sustainable future. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations are becoming increasingly important not only for investors, customers, and other stakeholders but also as part of corporate responsibility. Therefore, ESG and sustainability are crucial aspects for the long-term success of PTTBP’s business. In response, we have embarked on a transformational journey to incorporate and integrate sustainability into every aspect of our business. PTTBP’s ESG transformation includes policy and strategy changes, operational changes, reporting and disclosure improvements, and increased engagement with stakeholders.

We believe that a strong focus on social and environmental responsibility is not only the right thing to do, but also makes good business sense.

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All sustainability framework initiatives are implemented into a 5-year road map. In 2022, we will be focusing on compliance, namely increasing the understanding of all stakeholders and aligning company policies with sustainable company governance. In 2024 we will be focusing on strategy, namely integrating initiative Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) with business strategies, internalizing ESG policies at every level of the business processes, and collaborating on company governance referring to national and global standards. Furthermore, in 2025 with an integrated target, the company will be building strategic partnerships with an investment approach and company operational excellence for gaining social and environmental impacts.

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Our commitment to ESG and sustainability is strongly reflected in our governance structure where our board has direct responsibility for ESG-related policies and committees. We have established a Group Sustainability Policy, a Board Manual Policy, a Code of Ethic & Conduct, a Whistleblowing Policy, an Internal Audit Charter, an Anti-Bribery, Corruption and Money Laundering Policy, and a Supplier Integrity Pact. These policies are supported by our Sustainability & Diversity Committee, our Ethics & Risk Committee, and our Audit Committee.

One of the most important responsibilities of the Sustainability Committee is to monitor and evaluate all sustainability-related strategies, performance, programs, activities, and policies.

To assess and continuously improve our work, we regularly work with trusted partners and recognized external stakeholder groups. This includes government bodies, local NGOs, universities and consultants.

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