Ethics and Risk Committee
Duties and Responsibilities of the Ethics and Risk Committee
The Ethics and Risk Committee carries out duties and responsibilities which include the following activities
- Examining alleged violation of the Company's Code of Ethics and Conduct that was committed by Directors, Officers, and Employees of the Company;
- As the Person/Division in Charge of the Company's Whistleblowing System;
- Collecting data and analyzing information or statements from the related parties or having a concern in alleged violations of the Company's Code of Ethics and Conduct;
- Examining alleged violations of the Company's Code of Ethics and Conduct;
- Examining any alleged violations related to verbal, visual, and physical harassment. Taking decisive action on violations that occur through warning letters;
- Declaring that the alleged violation of the Company's Code of Ethics and Conduct is proven or not proven;
- Providing decision recommendations on alleged violations statements of the Company's Code of Ethics and Conduct to the Board of Directors;
- Becoming an ethical advisor in the context of education, prevention, and action against violations of the Company's Code of Ethics and Conduct; and
- Carrying out other duties from the Board of Directors related to the roles and responsibilities of a Board of Directors.
- Providing feedback to the Board of Directors regarding the risk appetite and risk tolerance determined by the Board of Directors;
- Providing input to the Board of Directors regarding priorities for corporate risk management along with the proposed mitigation plans needed;
- Providing input to risk owners related to risk levels, adequacy of existing controls, and mitigation plans
- Analyzing and providing recommendations on potential risks, both from existing projects and, business development or new investment;
- Providing input to the Risk Management function regarding the adequacy of the risk management process, including risk measurement criteria, risk management tools, and risk management procedures; and
- Carrying out other duties from the Board of Directors related to the roles and responsibilities of a Board of Directors.
Committee Member:
- Muhammad Lalu Mahfi - Chairman of the Committee
- Roy A. Arfandy - Co-Chair of the Committee
- Robby Rafianto - Member of the Committee
- Rivan Lie - Member of the Committee
- Suparsin Darmo Liwan - Member of the Committee